Clever spam (still evil)

Filed under: Web/Tech | 9 Comments

This is one of the best spams I have gotten in a while…

To: jon XX
From: Eng.Andre B. []
Subject: question


This is Andre Botelho. I'm surfing right now at "AOL Netfind", and I saw your contact at this web site: rss_anonymous_m.html I want to tell you that you're doing a great job!

I know my customers would be well-suited prospects and vice-versa. What should I do
if I want to send a few of them your way?

Looking forward to your reply. Reply to my personal email address:

Best Regards,


Anyone else gotten one of these? Clever to use my own page/post to trick me into replying.

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9 Responses to “Clever spam (still evil)”

  1. pops says:

    I got a different one but still in the same ballpark. Some Russian guy said he noticed I too (?!?!?)was an antique motorcycle enthusiast. Would I like to share links and phots regarding Triumph morotcycles.

    Also I’m convinced 99 percent of all Typepad users are running OS X.

  2. Yup — I got the exact same email.

  3. Actually, it was almost exactly the same — but the URL was the URL of my RSS feed.

  4. wendell says:

    I got one for a site name which is currently nothing but a five-second redirect to my main blog. Anything but a spambot would’ve noticed. (In fact, a spambot should’ve noticed…)

  5. Kevin says:

    It’s funny that he was searching with a product that doesn’t exist anymore.

  6. I got the exact same message, only with the URL being that of Ben Hammersley’s RSS feed. This thing’s making the rounds fast.

  7. Lee Bennett says:

    Count me in, too…something similar to this–it came through a church web site I maintain, but not this exact same message. But yeah, something about having seen something on my web page and that a business relationship might be profitable.

  8. fagg says:

    send me hate mail and spam!!!

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