TypePad grows legs

Filed under: Weblogs | 12 Comments

Just got the announcement… TypePad will be available to the public at large on August 4th as a Preview Release. The pricing is, $4.95/$8.95/$14.95 a month for basic/plus/pro. The full feature comparison is now publically available.

I think the pro is a little much a month. Especially since you can install MovableType for free… but Ben and Mena (and Anil!) have to eat too. TypePad really does have a lot more features, and it’s nice to know that your site is in good hands. Such a sexy interface too. I’m such a sucker.

So–sign up! If you talk to me, I can give you a code that will get you 20% off (a beta tester perk). Limited to the first 20 people. You get a few months free too, very cool.

Update: I should have mentioned that I don’t get the code until Monday (when you can actually sign up). Comment if you want one.

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12 Responses to “TypePad grows legs”

  1. Okay, I’ll bite. I’ll have to decide wheather HTML editing is worth $60 a year.
    Let me know…

  2. Jon Gales says:

    Bob, it’s all about style/quality. Anyone can blogger. Only the elite TypePad. You’re a Mac user, so I know you like quality.

    Some of the stuff like TypeLists work so well you think there must be a problem… You literally type the name of a book you’re reading and it sucks all its info from Amazon. Same with music. Or with people as long as they are Typepadders. It’s sick.

    Moblogging is nice too. Overall it’s just a really polished system.

  3. kev says:

    It does look nice, but if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, mt can do just about everything typepad can (plus add a million plugins).

    The few things mt doesn’t do (photo albums being one) will be in mt pro, which would be a one time charge.

    Then you can install it on your own server with more space and bandwidth for cheaper. So unless you want everything done for you, pro is going bo be a hard sell imho.

  4. Jon Gales says:

    Good points, but I’ve yet to see MT Pro. I don’t think it’s fair to judge TypePad based on software no one’s seen.

    It is my understanding that said software will be more of a CMS. That’s good news for people like me who use it to run non-blogs.

  5. Joe says:

    Sounds good. If you’ve still got any discounts left, I’ll take one. I like the fact that Typepad puts out standards-compliant XHTML that validates, without my having to worry about it. I tried Radio Userland and it was so 1999.


  6. Tammie says:

    I know you have no idea who I am , but I would really like to sign up for the new TypePad and the discount would be of a great help to me if you have any left. It would be great appreciated.




  7. Jason Clarke says:


    As developer of my own chinsy personal blog software, I am greatly interested in moving over to a TypePad system soon, and would very much appreciate any discount to try it out. If there are any left, could I apply for one? Thank you!


  8. Jon Gales says:

    Just to let everyone know, there are plenty of spots left as I’m leaving 18 available to commenter’s. Just make sure you leave your email address (it won’t be shown if you have a URL as well), so I can send you the code when I get it Monday afternoon.

  9. raena says:

    : Good points, but I’ve yet to see MT Pro

    What do you think you’re looking at when you see TypePad? Hm? I’d bet money that a bunch of these features will be a part of MT Pro, especially given that the release date is so close to hand.

    Each to their own, man. 😉

  10. Jon Gales says:

    A lot of TypePad is just simplified MT. MT Pro will be the other way… But I do hope they steal the tabs–just so sexy.

    One thing I’d like to see on TypePad is the ability to manage the server space. So if you decide you don’t want a few pics you can just hit “delete”. Same with setting up static pages…

  11. petey says:

    I’m another pretty anonymous bloke that would like in on the discount…

    i have nothing else substantive to contribute.

  12. intro

    Well, thanks to a stranger (to me, anyway), Jon Gales, I have a newly-discounted TypePad weblog to play around with. hopefully, I’ll use the weblog often and my discount will stick. Otherwise, it will have gone to waste, and I

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