Still a few Slashdotters

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There are still a few people who read good ol’ /. it seems. My story on Nokia’s new phone that lets you print your own faceplates got linked today. With that link it officially becomes one of the most popular story MobileTracker has ever had—Gizmodo and BoingBoing linked yesterday. It is surely the fastest growing story… One that I didn’t even think was that cool when I was posting it. That’s why I get paid the big bucks I suppose.

The best part of these big traffic spikes is that some people will stick around. I see spikes as sort of a fueling. Fight like mad to keep great stuff going and hope to latch onto a good chunk of the new eyeballs

Every month has had more readers than the month before it, and if the trend continues at the same cushy levels, MobileTracker will kick out Google as the #1 site within 46,010 concurrent years (exluding any leap-days). Seriously though, I’m blown away.

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