Yes those are ads

Filed under: Weblogs | 6 Comments

If you’re one of the many HTML readers of this site you’ll notice something new… Ads. My TypePad account isn’t free (I’m signed up for Pro but may drop that down soon), but hopefully the ads will make it a wash. Don’t click if you’re not interested. The advertisers only make money when you buy (most of the time, there are a few non-ecommerce advertisers).

On another note… I have SARS (or maybe just random virus). Yea, just when you thought it was gone. Oh, and Zeldman is Jesus.

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6 Responses to “Yes those are ads”

  1. Raena says:

    Yes, but you realise you’ll probably be paid late if at all, and you’ll be treated to

    Oh yeah, and you’re not even supposed to be talking about it. No. Bad.

  2. Raena says:

    Hm, that was weird. I know I typed “and you’ll be treated to a bird-flipping if you happen to ask as to why your account was cancelled.” It’s still there in my clipboard.

  3. Jon Gales says:

    They pay sooner than others… I’ve gotten two checks from them. Once they kick in direct deposit, it will be even quicker.

  4. Tom Bridge says:

    I’ve also added the Google Ads to my blog, with hopes that it might one day cover my TypePad costs. Right now, I’ve made $3. Hm. Could be a while off.

  5. Adelyn says:

    Just make sure they don’t pop! The idea of ads… that’s already Satan!

    Oh yeah, I meant to ask: what happened to

  6. Jon Gales says:

    No pop is right next to thou shalt not kill in my book. is mostly being used for my PHP dev work. Staging server normally although I am doing some light file sharing with it. I gotta figure out how to take off the Zend thing for the front page. Ha.

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