Shady anti-spam service

Filed under: Rant | 4 Comments

This got submitted into the MacMerc news queue today… My my my. I’m not the smartest guy, so if someone else sees something that I’m missing, please let me know.

The way I see it, their technique is for you to give out an email forward addy and when it starts getting spam give you another one. The old one gets deleted and starts bouncing. And? This is A) not new B) horrible to use C) easy to do without them. Who wants to change email addresses every few weeks?

The real way to beat spam is to purchase SpamSieve. It has pruned > 130 spams from my inbox today.

For those times when you need to give your email address but don’t want to (validate an account for instance), just use Mailinator.

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4 Responses to “Shady anti-spam service”

  1. greg says:

    no purchase is needed with POPfile, works flawlessly with win n mac!

    some mac os x install links…

  2. Vidiot says:

    Wow, I’d never heard of Mailinator. Quite a find! Thanks.

  3. Mailinator: judgement day

    This is an awesome, awesome, awesome idea. Did I mention awesome? It’s awesome. Just damn awesome. (Thanks to I Heart Mena.)…


    Best spam-stopping idea I’ve seen in a while. Need an e-mail address? Not really expecting any useful e-mail to come to it? Give ’em a completely disposable, ad-hoc e-mail address: {any text string} @ Mailinator receives it and creates

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