George Bush caused mad cow [updated]

Filed under: News | 6 Comments

It looks like George Bush caused mad cow disease*… (Postscript: he made a dedicated page on the Bush link. Heh.)Tisk tisk. But on a more serious note, don’t eat the brain or the spinal tissue of cows and you’ll be just fine. That won’t cramp my style. I’m just glad I am not into any food stocks/futures. Eek.

*Read the comments…

Update: Would like to point out that while this is the big end-of-the-world story, with vegans dancing in the streets, thousands of people died in the UK due to a few day cold snap. Less than 200 have died worldwide BSE tainted meat. Ever. Now, continue to freak out.

Update: And now 20,000 – 40,000 have died from a minor (California’s quake the other day was 2x as powerful) earthquake in Iran. I say we get together and vote this “natural disaster” guy out of office.

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6 Responses to “George Bush caused mad cow [updated]”

  1. Brad Murphy says:

    Hell Ya, I’m with ya!

  2. Adelyn says:

    Haha, Bush needs to shut up.

    Ahem. Go vegan/vegetarian, all the way. Yah stay safe, kids. 😛

  3. Raena says:

    ‘But on a more serious note, don’t eat the brain or the spinal tissue of cows and you’ll be just fine.’

    So don’t eat:
    – Burgers
    – Ground beef
    – Sausages, hot dogs, sandwich meats, et cetera
    – Processed meat

    And don’t forget that eating nervous tissue is the ‘most likely,’ not ‘only,’ means of transmitting it.

    Gets a little harder to figure out, huh? Find out how BSE and vCJD actually works and then you’re more than welcome to comment on what’s a good thing.

  4. Jon Gales says:

    We can get vCJD without even eating beef, so I’m really not worried. That and the whole “you’re more likely to die from eating onions than from beef” deal.

  5. Raena says:

    No, there’s a difference. The variant Creuzfeldt-Jakob disease is the one you can get from contaminated food and affects young people. Regular CJD (lacking the v for variant) is the one that occurs spontaneously in the population, normally affecting older people.

    You’re more likely to die eating onions than you are from a terrorist attack, too. Are you suggesting that nobody should be worrying about terorrists?

  6. Jon Gales says:

    I don’t spend my days worrying about a few people that don’t like freedom. It solves nothing. They aren’t the smartest people, and really aren’t worth my time. That’s for Homeland Security to worry about (and they seem to be doing a good job).

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