Big race in Iowa Monday

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I’m not a Democrat. But I’m going to keep a close eye on the Iowa caucus tomorrow. Why? It’s a tie. Who will win? Not Sharpton. Not Clark. Pretty much anyone else.

Some real dirt has come out on Dean and Kerry. Both love to show off pancake skills [Dean | Kerry]. If the race was up to flap jacks, Dean takes it.

I’d personally like to see Wes Clark win the DNC bid. He’s a crazy. Dean is too, but I’d like to see his email list cry before the election. By the way, Clark does breakfast too.

Update: Wow. Dean even paid his wife to come out to Iowa for a few hours. He’s serious about the election.

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8 Responses to “Big race in Iowa Monday”

  1. Eric Blair says:

    Man, if it comes down to Bush v Dean in the general election, it might be time to move to Canada.

    When people ask me if I’m a Democrat or a Republican, I tell them I’m neither; I’m just anti-idiot. I’m no Bush fan, but I don’t think I can vote for a guy who still refers to the Soviet Union in the present tense. I’m still trying to figure out how Dean walked on that comment.

    Kerry’s a Massachusetts Democrat. I’m honestly shocked that he’s polling double digits in Iowa.

    I don’t know as much about Edwards and Gephard. I really need to learn.

    There could be a number of angry Iowans if Clark gets the nomination 🙂

  2. Jon Gales says:

    I like Bush, but would like him more if he cut the programs. Hard to find that though, as cutting programs means lost votes. I’ve never subscribed to the dumb ass thing.

  3. Tom Bridge says:

    I’m with you, Jon. I like the new space proposal, I dislike the TSA and the homeland security goons. We’re getting big government like a Democrat is in office and tax cuts like a fiscal conservative’s in office. Something’s got to give.

    I just want a president who can give a decent speech.

  4. filchyboy says:

    I’m a tad confused. What does pay his wife to show mean?

  5. Jon Gales says:

    If you’ve followed the Dean campaign, you should have noticed that his wife has barely even been mentioned (let alone come along to events). She uses the name Dr. Steinberg and up until today had never been in front of cameras.

    I was alluding to the fact that the only way he got her out to Iowa (she’s never been to Iowa before) was to pay her. They are just that close :P.

  6. filchyboy says:

    That seems really unfair. It is bullshit to put any sort of ‘status’ at all to the spouse of a politician. If you voted for Laura Bush or Hillary Clinton then you must surely be disappointed that the wives of the men you voted for didn’t make into the office of “First Lady.”

    Doesn’t it make more sense to expect the wife or husband of someone running for office to manage the family & the business so that the spouse can make that run for office. Power couples, like the Clinton’s in their fashion, are very disturbing as they tend to coalesce around a thirst for power which both can share in.

    I am very impressed that Mrs. Dean hasn’t allowed herself to be wheeled out as a prop and has instead carried out the family business. The Republic would be in far better shape if more wives & husbands of politicians acted in a similar fashion.

  7. Jon Gales says:

    Call me old fashioned, but I like united couples. Mrs. Dean didn’t have to lose the job. He doesn’t even thank her in speeches. They just have an odd relationship.

  8. Tom Bridge says:

    Dean took it in the pants in Iowa tonight.

    Gotta love it.