Addicted to Curb Your Enthusiasm

Filed under: Infatuation | 5 Comments

Anyone else addicted to Curb Your Enthusiasm? It’s genius. I’ve watched every episode of Seinfeld, so the experience is twice as nice (the co-creator of Seinfeld is the subject of CYU). It’s Seinfeld with no script plus cursing. Beautiful.

The natural feel, sort of raw and uncut, is what has me hooked. I’m all about dry humor, and Larry David is about as good as you can get. It’s the minutiae of life expanded to unrealistic lengths. Pretty much what I try to do on a daily basis.

If you don’t have HBO, and still want to check it out, drop me an email / comment and I’ll hook you up. Thanks to Larry for the tip.

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5 Responses to “Addicted to Curb Your Enthusiasm”

  1. Larry says:

    Just wait until you see the episodes from this season with Ben Stiller. Priceless.

  2. Oh yeah, baby! Love it! I got the first season DVD, and I’ve watched an episode every night for a week now. I’ve even started describing things that happen to me as “Larry David moments”–such as when this woman with crutches was walking toward me at lunch the other day, and instead of getting out of her way, I simply stared at her dumbly. Very insensitive, and very Larry David :-).

  3. I haven’t laughed so hard at a television show since the original South Parks. This show is genius.

  4. Jon Gales says:

    I saw one with Ben Stiller today… They got in a fight because Larry David wouldn’t move to the front seat. Priceless. The prostitute one is good too.

  5. I just saw my first Curb Your Enthusiasm a month or so back, but it has very quickly become one of my favorite shows ever. Just last night a buddy and I were describing some of our favorite moments from episodes we had seen and laughing almost as hard as when we first saw it. Funny stuff.

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