A look at my hatemail [updated]

Filed under: Apple | 15 Comments

I thought I would publish some of the more recent hatemail I have received. Why? It made me laugh, hopefully it will make you laugh. These were all over the recent “analog hack”:

Update: I’ve added more, they are on the top for ease of reading. Really funny stuff this time. They are all unedited (e.g. the grammar mistakes are original).

I’m sure this isn’t where it stops in your life…
I can see it now…well no officer, the beer isn’t mine…it’s his… and his older brother bought it for us….

Your a tard

Why in the hell would you give away the secret? Dumbass.

It is a childish and ignorant way to promote you stupid website. It’s this type of behavior that gives honest e-businesses a bad name. Please remove that article and apologize to everyone who played fair and square.


This trick has been around since pepsi points. you havent figured out shit.

Thanks for making the Mac community look like assholes, I hope the publicity
was worth it to you.

David Bonin

Is this how your parents raised you? How to beat/cheat the system? You buy a soda… you either win a free music download or you don’t. The soda will cost maybe .99¢; quench your thirst and a chance for a free tune. Or forget buying the soda and go onto the Apple music store and download a tune for .99¢. Hmm, .99 cents.

The epitome of petty.

Get a life and don’t be a dink!

A patriot

why would you give this info away? do you have no respect for the people who try to make a living ? how do you make a living? its losers like you that make hackers look bad.


Considering that you’re so intimately aware of my Mountain Dew story, I can only assume that you’re an iPod Garage regular reader. Once a thief, always a thief, I guess.

All it takes is one dumb person to ruin it for the rest of us by postingsomething like that? What were you thinking??? Now they are going to change that for the future games.

Thanks a lot! not

My main comment is:


You big idiot!!!

What are you 12 years old????

Get a life!

Now wasn’t that fun? There were many more nice people than mean people. It’s just cute that people actually go out of their way to complain about something as simple as tipping a bottle. It’s in no way original to MacMerc. Just the right place at the right time.

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15 Responses to “A look at my hatemail [updated]”

  1. Joel says:

    Ah, that was funny. Thanks I needed that.

  2. Larry says:

    Those are nothing… I just linked to your story and received this gem: “Why the fuck do you always publish things that hurt Apple, especially to help people break iTunes? Are you really owned by Steve Balmer?”

  3. MacManX says:

    Good lord people, Pepsi purchased 1 million songs, and they’re all out there. No one’s losing anything, we’re just playing harder.

  4. Oh geez–give me a break!

  5. Phil says:

    Wow…That is too funny. I agree though, I mean with some of the people. I mean The idea from apple is for new people to get itunes and such. This is only gonna help nerds who are already in tune with it.

  6. Timen says:

    Funny, but don’t post their names. You’re the loser then.

  7. Jon Gales says:

    It’s like a letters to the editor section Timen. No email addresses, I don’t want them to be spammed. I copied the email messages (some are just quotes, most are complete). If they left their name, I added it.

  8. dowingba says:

    Whoever coined the term “analog hack” to describe the bottle-tipping scenerio is a genius. That just had to be said.

    PS: Pepsi already purchased the songs. Also, they even admitted that 1/3 (or something) of the caps would be wasted and go unused. Not only is no one getting hurt by this, but alot of money is ceasing to be wasted as a result. Personally, I’m not gonna try the “hack”, but mostly because I don’t wanna look like a total moron in the store tilting all the bottles all day. And because there’s really no songs I want. And because I’m Canadian (not sure if the contest is offered in Canada?)

  9. Jon Gales says:

    Dan Gillmore came up with that term, and yes it’s genius.

  10. Timen says:

    Letters to the editor are often like formatted David B., for example.

  11. Adelyn says:

    Hahahaa analog hack. Wow you’re popular.

  12. Cameron says:

    A thought: I’d bet there is no reasonable expectation of privacy when you send an e-mail to a website, especially one that you think are a pack of morons who are “stealing” and “ruining” it for everyone else.

  13. CZ says:

    Nor are they entitled to it.

  14. Mike says:

    Those emails are pretty funny, lol. It seems a lot of people who think other people are doing something wrong are too stupid to realize they aren’t. Not to mention this is just information, it’s the reader’s choice to use it. There’s information about hacking servers in Mac Help, but they don’t get any hatemail for it.

  15. Idetrorce says:

    very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

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