Richest man pushes e-stamps

Filed under: Web/Tech | 2 Comments

Kind of ironic that the man that can buy anything is calling for fees to send email. And surely his company will make the software to power this new system. Sorry Bill. As long as there are hackers out there with copies of Sendmail, email will be free.

His puzzle idea is even worse. What happens to an email list publisher? A company I have worked for sends out a monthly newsletter to its 30,000 members. The email is very popular with the members.

It won’t happen. But it’s funny to see the talking heads who don’t even use email try and talk about it.

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2 Responses to “Richest man pushes e-stamps”

  1. Brian says:

    Man, you beat me to it. And you wonder how he became the richest man in the world – it wasn’t with his own ideas.

  2. dowingba says:

    The stupid thing about it is even outlined in the article:

    “Time is money, and spammers would presumably have to buy many more machines to solve enough puzzles.”

    Yep. They would. So? Maybe it’ll stop one spam email from reaching my inbox, saving me that much annoyance, which will swiftly be spent, with interest, on having to wait 10 seconds or more every time I send an email.

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