Quasi spam comments

Filed under: Weblogs | 4 Comments

It looks like SixApart took care of comments that are obviously spam (porn/gambling/Viagra). I haven’t gotten one in a while, which is a really nice feeling. But, lately I have been getting one or two quasi spam comments a day. Mostly on old entries, I assume found through Google, random people will post a comment that adds marginal utility to the topic but include a link to their site. And by marginal, I mean none. Nothing to flip the spam switch though, often times a quote like this, “A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.”

This really is a waste of time for those involved because I delete them in a few minutes in the best cases, and a day or two at the worst. Not a whole lot of time to gain the little PageRank a post here might have. So, if you are one of these despots, don’t bother wasting anymore time.

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4 Responses to “Quasi spam comments”

  1. Tomas says:

    I get the fake comments too, but what is really odd is that all the fake commenters tend to leave comment on just a handful of entries. I guess those entries show up on some google search query they use to find places to spam, or something, but since I closed the discussions on those entries I haven’t really had much trouble with them.

  2. Mike Cohen says:

    I get lots of those. Yesterday I found 6 of them when I checked the first time in the morning. Today I found 5.

    I’m pretty sure they’re being added manually, since I’ve renamed the comment script. I’m already using MT-Blacklist and I’m planning to install James Seng’s plugin which adds a security graphic (http://james.seng.cc/archives/000145.html).

  3. Jon Gales says:

    I’d rather not make it more annoying for everyone to post comments. This is where something like TypeKey comes in handy… Haven’t posted before?

    Sorry Jack, you must wait for approval to see your comment.

  4. Jenifer Lou says:

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    certainly visit your site again sometime. Really good work.

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