
Filed under: Web/Tech | 2 Comments used to be a pretty well designed news website. Featured story, a good spot for for breaking news, other headlines and a bit more. A few days ago it got a 1999 looking redesign that just sucks. The page had well over 1,000 lines of HTML, the index page was over 400K and it didn’t render too well in Mozilla (I use FireFox). I wrote them about it a few days ago and got this back today:

We have read each and every email regarding our recent site redesign. We have listened to your suggestions and feedback, and have made some modifications to our recent redesign addressing your specific concerns. We have lightened the color scheme, added many more headlines throughout the home page, and made some alterations that should make finding stories and videos easier.

We were heartened to hear that the new site navigation made it easier for users to traverse and find sections previously undiscovered by many of our readers. We believe this new navigation menu allows you to get faster access to more content than ever before.

Please keep the feedback coming and thank you again.

Say what you will about FoxNews, but at least they are trying. The site still sucks, but it sucks less. is better, but Holovaty’s site, LJWorld, kicks both their asses.

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2 Responses to “ redesign”

  1. dowingba says:

    It is literally the worst designed site I’ve ever seen. It makes me nauseous. Seriously.

  2. Bryan says:

    Well, thats good that they wrote you back. I am still waiting to see if I get one back from my letter, but you are right, at least they are trying.

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