Tired of email

Filed under: Rant | 5 Comments

Besides the thousands of viri I got today (thanks Christmas), I am still getting tons inane questions sent my way. I’m sick of email–here are a few choice ones from today’s inbox:

I read your article in FORTUNE and was wondering what you had to do to get setup with Google and how wage you earn from Google is determined?

I would like to advitise perfume and jewellery, please advise how I can get a
website to do this.  Thanks

I’m very impressed and I was just wondering if you had the time or willingness to share your trade secrets. I have minimal
internet skills (I stopped reading here).

I had to vent, excuse me.

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5 Responses to “Tired of email”

  1. dowingba says:

    I remember for a few months after my website took the equivalent of an InstaLanche I was receiving alot of emails. It was too much to handle. I shudder to think what being the cover story in Fortune is like. Did they publish your email address or something? Or are people just finding it on one of your websites?

  2. Jon Gales says:

    It’s not hard to find my email address (it’s on MobileTracker, this site, and jongales.com)… I’ve even had several cold call phone calls. Crazy!

  3. valrus says:

    Oh, and regarding the virii thing: Get a Mac.

  4. Seeker says:

    Well, since you agreed (evidently) to have story about you posted on Fortune, why complain about result. Isn’t it what stories are published for? Comments looks like movie starlet is complaining abt paparazzi (hey, what you expected, uh?)

  5. Stevie says:

    screw the haters jon, keep doing what you do, it seems to be bringing you somewhere. I hope you do not mind the random “congratulations on being in Fortune” e-mails. . . because that’s basically what mine said.

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